#cucu character stuff
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devilscreekballad · 7 months ago
Setting up the patreon, currently looking for Tier Names. Was thinking about using the jobtitles you can pick from in Ballad, but as the patreon is also for CuCu and Beggar's Luck, I'd need something more neutral?
(Note: Discord access is not tied to patreon/kofi support. For the discord: follow the blog for a while and then hmu per message. We had some unfortunate experiences before, so we're careful)
(More important note: No, the game access outside the CLOSED Beta once the game reaches the final chapters will not be limited. It will NOT be perma-locked behind a paywall.
Also, tier benefits (so far) below cut:
Tier 1 (Experienced Outrider) : $1 For general support: Grants access to status updates and rambles, what you'd see on the blog here as well
Tier 2 (Silver-Tongued Priest) : $2 Longer, more in-depth BtS posts and longer character Bios early (will be posted 1-2 weeks later on blogs) + lower tier benefits
Tier 3 (Skilled Gunslinger) : $5 Grants early access to updates once they're out of alpha-testing + lower tier stuff
Tier 4 (Cunning Cardsharp) : $10 Access to the alpha-testing and closed beta once the story reaches the climax + lower tier stuff
Tier 5 (Infamous Outlaw/Con-Artist): $100 (limited) Access to lower tier benefits and archive, plus art, writing and sewing commissions (once I got the table to put my sewing machine on).
Notes on the game access:
Only the CLOSED beta will be limited. For Ballad the closed Beta starts when the posse reaches the inner ring of Devil's Creek (it's a big town, actually)
'early beta' gives you access to new updates of the open beta before it goes live for everyone.
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murky-tannin · 1 year ago
Fair enough! I personally havent seen much of that myself in the tumblr tags but ill believe you have in general. Sometimes i miss posts when catching up on the tag in the morning yknow? Must have gotten lucky lol
But the reality is no, not everything has been orchestrated by the feds in the narrative. So so much hasnt been. Both stuff the characters are aware of and stuff they aren't. qFoolish himself is aware of this. The harm the feds cause isn't inevitable in universe and there are so many instances where this is shown in both small and large ways. qFoolish is still fucked for not caring what they do to others.
and yeah, the characters don't know if Cucu can be killed! And many of them believe he can be. So idk why his "immortality" would be brought up here, esp in regards to Foosh.
And just because Foolish can't cause mass genocide like the feds have been shown to do with the hybrid experiments doesn't make him incapable of harm. Nor does it absolve him of moral responsibility.
What bothers me is how often people choose to see qFoolish as a bad guy. He’s not. He’s not GOOD necessarily but he’s not BAD either. That’s literally the entire point of his character.
You can’t say he’s BAD because he doesn’t go against the federation in the same way everyone else does. They do that because they are prisoners. Foolish isn’t a prisoner.
Foolish doesn’t wanna leave the island. We can assume he didn’t have anyone before this (excluding Mariana but who knows what that’s about). The island gave him a family. A purpose.
Is it selfish that he doesn’t care about the big fight against the federation? Yea maybe. But I can’t name a single person on that server that ISNT doing things for selfish reasons.
Is it bad that he’s working for the federation (regardless of his intentions)? Because at the end of the day he’s just gonna get girlbossed? Yep sure. But then you could say the same for anyone else working for the federation.
And if the issue is that his position hasn’t had the same benefits others infiltrating have, then maybe we should wait and see. He literally just got the job.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
All Character TidBits So Far
Long post ahead:
Here are all Character Bios that have been published so far. Spoiler Free (sorta)
Name: Francis Elias Montgomery
Codename: Prestige
Age: 16/17
DoB: August 29
Race: Mixed (Mother's black, father's white)
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Gray
Height: 6'2
Costume: Grey/Light blue vintage military/airforce jacket, slate gray pants, knee-high boots. Ruffled cravat or aviator scarf, sometimes single epaulette with a short cape. Slate gray domino mask.
Powers: Photokinesis, enhanced agility and durability.
Francis is the son of Mayor Temitope Montgomery and Arthur Montgomery. It's not clear what kind of person he is. He can be extremely kind and charming, but switch to moody and secretive, or vicious and condescending at the drop of a hat.
He's avoids social contacts out of school, often burying himself in his room, studying. His only 'friends' seem to be Taylor Redford and his posse, though he seems to have a decent enough relationship with Trudie and Fern.
He seems mortally afraid that his parents might find out about the former.
He's stubborn as all Hells, often acting without thinking and rushing into action, in and out of custom. His photokinetic powers are well-developed, and he specializes on illusions and small solid light constructs.
He has an ongoing rivalry with Marcus, can't stand jokes about his height, and is allergic to pollen.
Has a younger sister, Lori.
Name: Gabriel Mendoza
Codename: FreezeFrame
Gender: male (trans)
Age: 33
DoB: February 18
Race: Latino (Puerto Rican)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'6
Costume: Black hooded bodysuit with purple highlights, heavy-duty boots with purple laces, purple domino mask
Powers: Chronokinesis, limited Cryokinesis
FreezeFrame is a skilled chrono- and cryokinetic, and rather foul-mouthed. He takes great pride in being a 'villain' even though many that know him would disagree that he is one. He tends to do the 'right and good' thing a little 'too often', and his villainous efforts are a little... intriguing. He hates when people think of him as a hero, left alone claim that he has the heart in the right place. (Truth be told, he's still flattered when he thinks no one's looking)
He is a quick thinker, capable of assessing situations at first or second glance. Unfortunately he is even quicker at acting, often jumping into the fray before the first glance reached his brain. He can be a bit disorganized, sometimes forgetting his powers in the heat of the moment.
He's a Nightfall veteran, and even before that had an ongoing rivalry going with MetaMorphia, which developed into a consensual, mutual hateship. They hooked up after the great Unmasking.
Name: Ian Rattray
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 34
DoB: June 12
Race: Latino (Puerto Rican)
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: brown/hazel
Height: 6'9
Ian is the younger (4 minutes 42 seconds) of two twins. He's quite a bit of a bookworm, preferring burrowing himself in the library or at home over meeting with people. This does not mean he prefers not to interact with others. He's at his simultaneously best and worst when he can talk to people and share information. His biggest short-coming is that he can talk very fast and without any form of punctation.
The worst thing one can do to him (especially then) is to either just pretend to have any interest, or to tell him to shut up. Then Ian tends to retreat into himself and become short worded.
He's kind and usually collected, bit of the embodiment of the idea of a gentle giant. However there are things he despises to speak about, especially The Gloom and his brother Jamie. He can also be rather secretive when he thinks involving others would harm them.
He has a very odd relationship with Heatstroke, speaks fluent german and can't cook, except for desserts.
Name: Travis Roland
Codename: Switchblade
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 43
DoB: January 9
Race: Black
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: brown/hazel
Height: 6'7
FaceClaim: Idris Elba
Costume: A black leather combat suit with steel grey lines on the fingers, a hood and a half-mask. It's smooth and full of sharp angles at the same time.
Powers: Weapon-Summoning
Before Nightfall Switchblade was known as one of the most dangerous and vicious villains in all of Cornucopia. A gun (and literally all other kinds of weapons) for hire, he had contacts all throughout CoCi's underworld.
He's been responsible for a long list of robberies and kidnappings, and a longer list of property damage. He has, however, rarely killed people (regular or with powers) outside of collateral damage, as he deems that too simple. Truth be told he considers killing out of sheer bloodlust a waste of time.
His speciality are weapons to counter his opponents the best, one of the reasons he has quite a bit of a god-complex.
He's snarky, grumpy and condescending, and, much to his dismay, an odd kind of caring in his core. As much as he delights seeing others fail, there often comes a point where he gets so frustrated by it that he'll jump in to set people straight. He hates that fact.
This trait is also the reason why he's part of the Unmasked Generation, and why he became a coach at the new-founded APORIA. Because he (quote) 'can't trust those morons (heroes) with a whole new generation. They got us Odium, can't have that again'.
His personality has marginally improved (maybe because he is aware the whole city now has his eyes on him), but he still has it out for a couple of people. Powerhouse and Marcus especially.
Name: Joshua St John
Codename: Powerhouse
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 39
DoB: ???
Race: white
Hair: light brown if grown out, but he keeps his head shaved
Eyes: green/brown (right), electricity (left)
Height: 6'1
FaceClaim: ?
Costume: Gold and black bodysuit with silver piping, no mask.
Powers: Electrokinesis
There's not much known about Powerhouse before the events of Nightfall.
He's always been regarded as overly pessimistic, snarky and quite a bit of a loner. He is, however, very full of himself and his ego is one of the best ways to get him to cooperate.
He delights in being a hero (as snarky as he is), but tends to overwork himself, especially once children are involved. There might be something in his past (that Switchblade and Kaleydoscope knew about) that's the reason for this.
He was also one of the main reason for the CHIPPER (CHImeran and Powered People Equity Regulation), which finally prohibited employers etc from putting Powered Individuals (especially Chimerans) at any form of disadvantage.
It might have been that CHIPPER caught on faster than some other laws of similar nature One due to CoCi's very nature, and Two, who would genuinely want to mess with someone who can turn one's organs inside out, acting as if oneself is by nature superior? (Unfortunately, there have been and are people who... don't have much common sense or human decency... but they're getting fewer)
Powerhouse retired after Nightfall, settling down to become an electrician (St John Electrics), but he keeps a wary eye on Switchblade, who went to work at the newly founded APORIA.
Rumors have it that he turned to the EMPeror to help him with his right arm, which was turning more and more into uncontrollable electricity.
Name: Chloe Fairchild
Codename: Bacchanalia
Gender: female (cis)
Age: 24 (possible)
DoB: ???
Race: white
Hair: blonde
Eyes: gray
Height: 5'4
FaceClaim: ???
Costume: Gray hooded cape, domino mask.
Powers: Alcokinesis
Bacchanalia was one of the youngest Powered Individuals fighting at Nightfall. She's been a shy and quiet young girl with the bizarre power of conjuring and manipulating alcohol (she never liked that).
She tried to prove herself as a hero, but vanished before the final battle.
It's not clear what exactly became of her, but given the circumstances of her disappearance she might have willingly joined Odium.
She was said to be easily influenced by others, so many do believe in that theory.
Digging deeper into her history afterwards revealed that she had come from a quite unhappy home and had caused her parents' (mother and stepfather) deaths through alcohol poisoning.
Her biological father is working hard on redeeming her name.
Name: Lionel Donovan
Codename: Scorn
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 51
DoB: October 23
Race: white
Hair: black
Eyes: black
Height: 6'4
FaceClaim: Ed Quinn
Powers: Umbrakineis, Power-Theft, Teleportation
Lionel Donovan is one of the most dangerous people in Cornucopia.
By all official means a legit businessman, it's an open (but legally unprovable) secret that he is the head of one of CoCi's worst criminal organizations.
Scorn is regarded as as ruthless as he is cunning, but indisputably fair. Most people that cross him even show up alive again.
His official businesses range from casinos to hotels to shipping companies across town, his unofficial ones... are the same in a much darker shade of moral and lethality.
The most well-known (infamous) establishment of the latter kind is a nightclub/aether-den called Bliss, located on the fourth ring of the TC-D. The Bliss had been the property of the Jade Empress around 15 years ago, before she made the fatal mistake of kidnapping Scorn's son Colby (Naught), trying to press money and property out of Scorn.
It's not clear if (and if, how) the Jade Empress survived this misstep, but her demise secured Scorn the control over the third and fourth ring. Only recently someone using the alias of Jade Empress surfaced as the head of the organization controlling the fifth to eighth ring, but it's not clear if this is the same woman, someone using her name, or if there even is an actual person.
Scorn is a most talented umbrakinetic, teleporter and power-thief, quite a bit of a bon vivant and a widower. As ruthless and cold as he is in business, as caring and loving he is as a father.
Name: Marcus Hayes
Codename: SnapShot
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 17
DoB: May 30
Race: Race: Mixed (Mother's latina, father's mixed (black/white))
Hair: black
Eyes: hazel/brown
Height: 5'9
FaceClaim: Aramis Knight
Costume: A black leather long coat with an unhealthy amount of zippers, black jeans and t-shirt, black half-mask covering eyes, nose and cheeks.
Powers: Picturakinesis, Enhanced agility and speed.
Marcus is the only child of Catalina and Sawyer Hayes. He's a decently skilled picture-manipulator, though he seems unable to use his powers on colored images. He blames this inability on a lot of outside factors, first and foremost his ongoing rivalry with Francis, as well as Switchblade who he's convinced is out for him.
His rivalry with Francis is a mystery to their common associates, as only the two seem to know what started it. Some do suspect that it has something to do with a combination of Marcus and Francis' social backgrounds and even more so the unknown fate of Marcus' father and the resulting depression of his mother.
Marcus is convinced that the hero Eclipse and his father are the same person, though his sole prove is the fact that they both went missing the same night. This believe has traces of an obsession.
His father and Francis are topics to piss Marcus off beyond anything, at all other times he's easy-going, friendly and helpful. His tendency to pepper his speech with puns is either his biggest strength or worst weakness. It's certainly one reason Francis dislikes him.
Name: Temitope Montgomery
Codename: La Mode
Gender: female (cis)
Age: 44
DoB: May 19
Race: Black
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: light brown
Height: 5'5
FaceClaim: Kerry Washington
Costume: A golden or bronze domino mask and a catsuit of the same color, along with myriads of lengths of fabric floating around her if they don't pull together to a tunic like garment over the catsuit. Knee-high silver boots.
Powers: Fabrikinesis, Enhances strength, speed and agility
Temitope's been a famed opera singer (yes, she did play Queen of the Night, and yes, she can still hit those notes), and decided to go into politics shortly after the foundation of APORIA. There's rumors that at least one of her parents is a Slider, but no one knows for certain.
She is as kind as she can be determined and focused, which has brought her good reputation in her professions. As La Mode she is a fabrikinetic with enhanced strength and speed.
She's been one of the initiators of the Nightfall Initiative, alongside her husband, and her arch-rival Madame Tarantula. La Mode and Madame had both heard rumors of the two have them having had children and both felt it was their responsibility to do something against Odium for the sake of the coming generation.
Tem has always been juggling her careers and family, and by her own account it has gotten easier since the Grand Unmasking. She is currently determined to find the weakness in Scorn's official image to finally bring him down.
Name: ?? McKechnie
Codename: Artemis
Gender: genderfluid; non-binary leaning (amab)
Age: 26
DoB: ??
Race: white
Hair: black (with purple or ice blue streaks)
Eyes: light green
Height: 6'4
FaceClaim: Gavin Fink
Costume: A black and silver longcoat, black domino mask
Powers: Weapon-Summoning, telekinesis
Artemis is the self-proclaimed threshold between Powered Individuals and Hero-dom. Which translates to them being the receptionist at APORIA's Assessment Unit. They are snarky as all Hell, have no nerve for ignorance, but are usually good natured. Maybe they enjoy winding people up a little too much.
The higher-ups at APORIA might be the only ones (besides Artemis' parents) who know Artemis' first name (though there's speculation that Artemis IS their first name).
They're a skilled weapon-summoner and telekinetic, but tend to overstep lines on a regular basis, getting them into trouble with people like Switchblade often enough. Nevertheless they are part of Unit 11, SPIRID's most... peculiar team.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
An Array Of ROs
A little overview/teaser for the ROs in Curious Cuisine:
For the Parent MC:
Ian Rattray: Local history-buff and gentle giant. Says he’s looking into the city’s history, but is hunting down Odium’s origins
Lesley Arcs: Intrepid reporter extraordinary. Works at the Chronicler, making them Mr Montgomery’s favorite rival. They are currently hunting after the mysterious cat-burglar Miss Gotten, and her connection to the technomancy turfwar currently shaking up Hart’s Station and the Tesla-Coil-District.
Fay/Frank Haggerty: Part of the creamiest Creme de la creme of Cornucopia, Haggerty is by all means a douchebag who seems to have it in for the MC for unknown reason. They’re one of the judges on the cooking contest the MC joins.
Valentine Patenaud (Heatstroke): Local pyrokinetic veteran and food vendor. Outspoken and with a great heart... and a dark secret? She’s currently investigating disappearances on the lower rings of the TC-D.
Plus a handful of secret ROs
For the Kid MC:
Francis Montgomery (Prestige): The mayor’s oldest son, and an utter douchebag. Or is he? He seems to harbor a secret that involves The Gloom. This might get dangerous.
Marcus Hayes (SnapShot): Francis’ Archrival, and master of puns. Is trying to come to terms with his powers, and is looking into the disappearance of his father ten years prior.
Trudie Doherty (Starlight): An orphan who deems herself to have lost the power-lottery. She’s shy with low selfesteem, but nevertheless uses what she can to find out what is causing various classmates of hers to fall sick.
Izzy Bishop (Ace of Spades): Eccentric and a bit of a cloud-cuckoo-lander, Izzy is an oddball, but extremely focused when clues about the death of their mother surface during a ghosthunt.
Madison Scrivens (Synchronicity): Meek and with as much selfesteem as Trudie, Madison is just as eager to find out what is causing their classmates’ illness
Fern Andreas (Lady Ariadne): Daughter to a hero/villain couple, Fern is headstrong and a little weird and is out ghosthuntig with Izzy. Although she might have her own agenda going.
Taiki Orikasa (Turmoil): A grumpy and nasty piece of work, but loyal beyond compare. Or are they? They are very keen on helping Trudie and Madison with their investigations.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
Character TidBits: Marcus Hayes
Name: Marcus Hayes
Codename: SnapShot
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 17
DoB: May 30
Race: Race: Mixed (Mother's latina, father's mixed (black/white))
Hair: black
Eyes: hazel/brown
Height: 5'9
FaceClaim: Aramis Knight
Costume: A black leather long coat with an unhealthy amount of zippers, black jeans and t-shirt, black half-mask covering eyes, nose and cheeks.
Marcus is the only child of Catalina and Sawyer Hayes. He's a decently skilled picture-manipulator, though he seems unable to use his powers on colored images. He blames this inability on a lot of outside factors, first and foremost his ongoing rivalry with Francis, as well as Switchblade who he's convinced is out for him.
His rivalry with Francis is a mystery to their common associates, as only the two seem to know what started it. Some do suspect that it has something to do with a combination of Marcus and Francis' social backgrounds and even more so the unknown fate of Marcus' father and the resulting depression of his mother.
Marcus is convinced that the hero Eclipse and his father are the same person, though his sole prove is the fact that they both went missing the same night. This believe has traces of an obsession.
His father and Francis are topics to piss Marcus off beyond anything, at all other times he's easy-going, friendly and helpful. His tendency to pepper his speech with puns is either his biggest strength or worst weakness.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
Character TidBits: Artemis
Name: ?? McKechnie
Codename: Artemis
Gender: genderfluid; non-binary leaning (amab)
Age: 26
DoB: ??
Race: white
Hair: black (with purple or ice blue streaks)
Eyes: light green
Height: 6'4
FaceClaim: Gavin Fink
Costume: A black and silver longcoat, black domino mask
Artemis is the self-proclaimed threshold between Powered Individuals and Hero-dom. Which translates to them being the receptionist at APORIA's Assessment Unit. They are snarky as all Hell, have no nerve for ignorance, but are usually good natured. Maybe they enjoy winding people up a little too much.
The higher-ups at APORIA might be the only ones (besides Artemis' parents) who know Artemis' first name (though there's speculation that Artemis IS their first name).
They're a skilled weapon-summoner and telekinetic, but tend to overstep lines on a regular basis, getting them into trouble with people like Switchblade often enough. Nevertheless they are part of Unit 11, SPIRID's most... peculiar team.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
A curiously long list of names
Below is a list of (almost) all named characters bound to appear in Curious Cuisine.
I probably forgot a few...
Marcus Hayes (SnapShot): 16-17, May 30; cis man; picture-manipulator Francis Elias Montgomery (Prestige): 16-17, August 29; cis man; light-manipualtor Izzy Bishop (Ace of Spades): 16, March 26; genderfluid (afab); earth-manipulator Trudie Doherty (Starlight): 15-16, October 12; cis woman; undefined energy, minor flight abilities Fern Andreas (Lady Ariadne): 17-18, ??; cis woman; hair-manipulator Taiki Orikasa (Turmoil): 18, November 14; agender (amab); water-manipulator; matter-Chimeran (slime/water) Madison Scrivens (Synchronicity): 16, ??; non binary (afab); splitter (multiplication) Aurelie 'Lori' Montgomery: 8, ??; probably cis woman
Temitope Montgomery (La Mode): 44, ??; cis woman; fabric-manipualtor Arthur Montgomery (Stormrider): 45, ??; cis man; air-manipulator Valentine Patenaud (Heatstroke): 33, ??; cis woman; fire-manipulator Ian Rattray: 34, June 12; cis man Fay/Frank Haggerty: 45, ??; cis Lesley Arcs: 36, ??; genderfluid (amab) Jennifer Lane: 44, ??; trans woman Willard Audley: 44(possible) ??; cis man Nicholas Prince: ??, ??; cis man Winnifred Poole: 34, ??; cis woman Catalina Hayes (Butterfly): 39, ??; cis woman; paint-manipulator Sawyer Hayes: 39 (possible), ??; cis man ?? (Artemis): 26 ??; non binary (amab); weapon-summoner and telekinetic Nessa Delaney (Echo): 24 ??; cis woman; sound-manipulator and power-mimic ?? (Sugarcoat): 25, ??; cis woman; candy-manipulator Vincent Carol (Renegade): 24, September 5; cis man; telepath Benny Blaine (WireFame): 32 ??; ?? (amab); tech-Chimeran Martha Doherty: 61, ??; cis woman ?? (Bacchanalia): 25 (possible), ??; cis woman; alcohol-manipulator ?? (EMPeror): ??, ??; ??; possible technology-manipulator?; possible tech-Chimeran ?? (Automatona): ??, ??; cis woman; possible technology-manipulator ?? (Miss Gotten): ??, ??; cis woman; no powers, gadgeteer ?? (Jade Empress): 50 (possible), ??; cis woman; poison-manipulator and mindwarper
?? (Odium): ??, ??; ??; possible shadow-manipulator, possible animator, possible mindwarper
?? (Miss Eerie): 34 (possible), ??; cis woman; disease-manipulator ?? (Rosebud): 14, ??; cis woman; plant-manipulator ?? (DupliCat): 31, ??; cis woman; power-mimic ?? (Scarlet Swan): 35, ??; cis woman; blood-manipulator and leaper ?? (Charcoal): 23, ??; cis man; fire manipulator; matter-Chimeran (wood) ?? (Lifeline): ??, ??; cis man; health-manipulator Sybil ? (Psyrouette): ??, ??; cis woman; empath ?? (Nook): 17, ??; cis man; size-changer ?? (Cranny): 16, ??; cis man; super-stretching Lupe Garcia: ??, ??; cis woman Rufus Burke: 31, ??; cis man; animal-Chimeran (dog) Homer Burke: 58, ??; cis man Taylor Redford: 17, ??; cis man
Fiore Crespo (Cambiare): 37, ??; gf (amab); sound-manipulator Colby Donovan (Naught): 25, ??; cis man; shadow-manipulator, empath, teleporter Joshua St John (Powerhouse): 39, ??; cis man; electricity-manipulator; energy-Chimeran (electricity) Lavonda Massey (MetaMorphia): 42, ??; trans woman; shapeshifter (living beings) & size-changer Leela Matthias (Cocoon): 29, ??; cis woman Travis Roland (Switchblade): 43, January 9, cis man, weapon-summoner Gabriel Mendoza (FreezeFrame): 33, February 18, trans man, time- and ice-manipulator Jamie Rattray (Frostbite): 24*, June 12; cis man, ice-manipulator ?? (Makeshift): 29, ??; agender (??); telekinetic and power-synergist Marvel Clayton (DeepBlue): 24, ??; trans man; water-manipulator Nam Ji-Min (Kaleydoscope): 34, ??; genderfluid (afab); light-manipulator Fiona MacCailín (Bearserker): 51, trans woman; super-strength, boosted defense Iris Bloom (ArchAngel): 28* ??; cis woman; health-manipulator and power-amplifier Lionel Donovan (Scorn): 51, ??; cis man; shadow-manipulator, power-thief, teleporter ?? (BlackBox): 26, ??; non-binary (??); telepath and power-mimic Willow De Veen (Bella Donna): 34 (possible), ??; cis woman; plant-manipulator Emma Burke (Fog): 29, ??; cis woman; smoke-manipulator; matter-Chimeran (fog) Anandi Misra (Gaslight): 30, ??; cis woman; gas-manipulator; matter-Chimeran (gas) ?? (Vivacity): 35, ??; cis woman; speedster Carmen Andreas nee Garofalo (Madame Tarantula ): 45, ??; cis woman; fabric-manipulator and animator (autonomous construct control) Iason Andreas (DemoLasher): 44, ??; cis man; super-stretching Raf Alders (Champion): 31, ??; cis man; super-strength, super-defense, flyer ?? (Eclipse): 39 (possible), ??; cis man; shadow-manipulation and animator (autonomous construct control)
?? (Ethernal): ??, ??; ??, aether-Chimeran, reality-warper ?? (Nightsky): ??, ??; ??; leaper, bruiser, stronghold ?? (Edenic): 81, ??; cis man; animal-summoner ?? (Corrosive): ??, ??; genderfluid; acid-manipulator ?? (Architect): ??, ??; cis woman; atom-manipulator ?? (Served): ??, ??; cis man; food-manipulator ?? (SweetCheeks): ??, ??; cis woman; candy-manipulator ?? (Rust): ??, ??; agender; metal-manipualtor, matter-chimeran (steel) ?? (Pulse): ??, ??; trans man; blood-manipulator ?? (SliveredMirror): ??, ??; trans woman; glass-manipulator ?? (Dollmaker): ??, ??; genderfluid; wax-manipulator and puppetmaster (controlled construct control) Hitomi Orikasa (Splatter): 46, ??; cis woman; slime-manipulator; matter-Chimeran (slime) ?? (RainyDay): ??, ??; trans woman; weather-manipulator; matter-Chimeran (stone) ?? (Nurse Dolly): 39, ??; cis woman; disease-manipulator ?? (Slipp): ??, ??; ??; oil-manipulator; animal-Chimeran (sloth) ?? (Pageturner): ??, ??; ??; paper-manipulator; matter-Chimeran (paper) ?? (CelloPain): ??, ??; cis man; picture-manipulator; animal-Chimeran (wolf) ?? (Circuit): ??, ??; trans man; technology-manipulator; tech-Chimeran ?? (TerraFirma): ??, ??; trans woman; earth-manipualtor; matter-Chimera (earth/clay) ?? (DiaboliGal): 25, ??; cis woman; poison-manipualtor ?? (Vertigo): ??, ??; agender; gravity-manipulator ?? (Balljoint): 23, ??; cis woman; limb-detacher and size-changer ?? (Mimic): ??, ??; cis man; shapeshifter (inanimate objects) ?? (Heron): ??, ??; non binary; flyer ?? (Substitute): ??, ??; cis woman; cloner (multiplication) ?? (Myriad): ??, ??; genderfluid; splitter (multiplication) Patrice Allard ((possible)) (Fearfuel): ??, ??; shadow-manipulator, mindwarper ?? (The Seeress): 52, ??; cis woman; clairvoyant and pyschometrist ?? (HypnoSis): ??, ??; cis woman; mindwarper
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
Character TidBits: Powerhouse & Bacchanalia ((potential Abuse-TW))
Name: Joshua St John
Codename: Powerhouse
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 39
DoB: ???
Race: white
Hair: light brown if grown out, but he keeps his head shaved
Eyes: green/brown (right), electricity (left)
Height: 6'1
FaceClaim: ?
Costume: Gold and black bodysuit with silver piping, no mask.
Chimeran: Energy-Chimeran (electricity). Left eye and right arm are pure electricity.
There's not much known about Powerhouse before the events of Nightfall.
He's always been regarded as overly pessimistic, snarky and quite a bit of a loner. He is, however, very full of himself and his ego is one of the best ways to get him to cooperate.
He delights in being a hero (as snarky as he is), but tends to overwork himself, especially once children are involved. There might be something in his past (that Switchblade and Kaleydoscope knew about) that's the reason for this.
He was also one of the main reason for the CHIPPER (CHImeran and Powered People Equity Regulation), which finally prohibited employers etc from putting Powered Individuals (especially Chimerans) at any form of disadvantage.
It might have been that CHIPPER caught on faster than some other laws of similar nature One due to CoCi's very nature, and Two, who would genuinely want to mess with someone who can turn one's organs inside out, acting as if oneself is by nature superior? (Unfortunately, there have been and are people who... don't have much common sense or human decency... but they're getting fewer)
Powerhouse retired after Nightfall, settling down to become an electrician (St John Electrics), but he keeps a wary eye on Switchblade, who went to work at the newly founded APORIA.
Rumors have it that he turned to the EMPeror to help him with his right arm, which was turning more and more into uncontrollable electricity.
Name: Chloe Fairchild
Codename: Bacchanalia
Gender: female (cis)
Age: 24 (possible)
DoB: ???
Race: white
Hair: blonde
Eyes: gray
Height: 5'4
FaceClaim: ???
Costume: Gray hooded cape, domino mask.
Bacchanalia was one of the youngest Powered Individuals fighting at Nightfall. She's been a shy and quiet young girl with the bizarre power of conjuring and manipulating alcohol (she never liked that).
She tried to prove herself as a hero, but vanished before the final battle.
It's not clear what exactly became of her, but given the circumstances of her disappearance she might have willingly joined Odium.
She was said to be easily influenced by others, so many do believe in that theory.
Digging deeper into her history afterwards revealed that she had come from a quite unhappy home and had caused her parents' (mother and stepfather) deaths through alcohol poisoning.
Her biological father is working hard on redeeming her name.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
Can we romance any villians and if so which ones?
You can romance the EMPeror and Automatona, if you manage to unlock their paths. I am toying with the idea of adding Scorn (Naught’s dad) to the list, but there’s already a lot of ROs
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
MiniBio: Ian Rattray
Name: Ian Rattray
Gender: male (cis)
Age: 34
DoB: June 12
Race: Latino (Puerto Rican)
Hair: Dark/Mid brown
Eyes: brown/hazel
Height: 6'9
FaceClaim: Santiago Cabrera (more 2012-wise, beard and chin length hair)
Ian is the younger (4 minutes 42 seconds) of two twins. He's quite a bit of a bookworm, preferring burrowing himself in the library or at home over meeting with people. This does not mean he prefers not to interact with others. He's at his simultaneously best and worst when he can talk to people and share information. His biggest short-coming is that he can talk very fast and without any form of punctation.
The worst thing one can do to him (especially then) is to either just pretend to have any interest, or to tell him to shut up. Then Ian tends to retreat into himself and become short worded.
He's kind and usually collected, bit of the embodiment of the idea of a gentle giant. However there are things he despises to speak about, especially The Gloom and his brother Jamie. He can also be rather secretive when he thinks involving others would harm them.
He has a very odd relationship with Heatstroke, speaks fluent german and can't cook, except for desserts.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
Character TidBits: Francis
Name: Francis Elias Montgomery
Codename: Prestige
Age: 16/17
DoB: August 29
Race: Mixed (Mother’s black, father’s white)
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Gray
Height: 6'2
FaceClaim: Christian Martyn
Francis is the son of Mayor Temitope Montgomery and Arthur Montgomery. It’s not clear what kind of person he is. He can be extremely kind and charming, but switch to moody and secretive, or vicious and condescending at the drop of a hat.
He’s avoids social contacts out of school, often burying himself in his room, studying. His only ‘friends’ seem to be Taylor Redford and his posse, though he seems to have a decent enough relationship with Trudie and Fern.
He seems mortally afraid that his parents might find out about the former.
He’s stubborn as all Hells, often acting without thinking and rushing into action, in and out of custom. His photokinetic powers are well-developed, and he specializes on illusions and small solid light constructs.
He has an ongoing rivalry with Marcus, can’t stand jokes about his height, and is allergic to pollen.
Has a younger sister, Lori.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
Does anyone have leitmotif or a theme that just screams them?
in terms of music?
Well, Mr Prince would have ‘Let’s face the music and dance’
Automatona would be ‘Still can kiss my a**’
Scorn would be ‘La Bien Qui Fait Mal’
Marcus might be “We all have fears” (by The Cog is dead)
Trudie is ‘spirit of moravia’ (two steps from hell)
EMPeror would be ‘It’s lonely at the top’ (big bad voodoo daddy)
just to name some :3
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
More example Villain-Generals
Reminder that the Fanart Contest  (click for more info) is still going.
So, have another example of the villains your character might be working alongside:
Codename: Rack & Pinion
Name: Ethan ?? / Laura ??
Gender: Rack: male (cis); Pinion: female (cis)
Race: Black / White
Age: thirties
Association: Automatona
Appearance: Rack and Pinion appear in what has been described as 'steampunk ninja' by 'Covering Cornucopia', consisting of linen, leather and silk garments, interlaced with wires and gears.
Pinion has an electricity rifle hidden in her left, artificial arm, while Rack has a pair of energy- and dart-pistol up the sleeves of his forest green long coat. Pinion in addition has been seen sporting a pair of brass wings.
Rack and Pinion always appear as pair, though there seems to be a mutual rivalry going on between them (some compare this to MetaMorphia and FreezeFrame however). They are Automatona's first choice when it comes to sabotaging the EMPeror or any form of resistance (guards, cameras, etc) at a caper.
They are regarded as a little off the rails but harmless
Rating: Level 7, Erebos (both)
Powers: Pinion is a bionic, while Rack seems to be a full-fledged tech-Chimeran, though this might be an untrue rumor. Pinion seems to possess minor electrokinetic and/or technokinetic skills, while Rack is an aero- and terrakinetic (minor ferrokinesis), seemingly specializing the latter into materials used in buildings.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
Was there any characters that you has the hardest time coming up with?
Coming up with? no. Fleshing them out and forming them to what they are now? yes. Especially for Francis, Izzy, FreezeFrame and Haggerty. Francis was much more of a douche with a different motivation, Izzy was a pessimistic deadpan snarker (they’re still snarky at times), Haggerty was much cruder and meant to be a contestant on the show, and FreezeFrame was similar much colder (hah!) and more stoic.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
Character TidBits: La Mode
Name: Temitope Montgomery
Codename: La Mode
Gender: female (cis)
Age: 44
DoB: May 19
Race: Black
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: light brown
Height: 5'5
FaceClaim: Kerry Washington
Costume: A golden or bronze domino mask and a catsuit of the same color, along with myriads of lengths of fabric floating around her if they don't pull together to a tunic like garment over the catsuit. Knee-high silver boots.
Temitope's been a famed opera singer (yes, she did play Queen of the Night, and yes, she can still hit those notes), and decided to go into politics shortly after the foundation of APORIA. There's rumors that at least one of her parents is a Slider, but no one knows for certain.
She is as kind as she can be determined and focused, which has brought her good reputation in her professions. As La Mode she is a fabrikinetic with enhanced strength and speed.
She's been one of the initiators of the Nightfall Initiative, alongside her husband, and her arch-rival Madame Tarantula. La Mode and Madame had both heard rumors of the two have them having had children and both felt it was their responsibility to do something against Odium for the sake of the coming generation.
Tem has always been juggling her careers and family, and by her own account it has gotten easier since the Grand Unmasking. She is currently determined to find the weakness in Scorn's official image to finally bring him down.
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cornucopiagazette · 6 years ago
Character TidBits: FreezeFrame
Name: Gabriel Mendoza
Codename: FreezeFrame
Gender: male (trans)
Age: 33
DoB: February 18
Race: Latino (Puerto Rican)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'6
FaceClaim: Shalim Ortiz
Costume: Black bodysuit with purple piping, purple domino mask, boots with purple laces
FreezeFrame is a skilled chrono- and cryokinetic, and rather foul-mouthed. He takes great pride in being a 'villain' even though many that know him would disagree that he is one. He tends to do the 'right and good' thing a little 'too often', and his villainous efforts are a little... intriguing. He hates when people think of him as a hero, left alone claim that he has the heart in the right place. (Truth be told, he's still flattered when he thinks no one's looking)
He is a quick thinker, capable of assessing situations at first or second glance. Unfortunately he is even quicker at acting, often jumping into the fray before the first glance reached his brain. He can be a bit disorganized, sometimes forgetting his powers in the heat of the moment.
He's a Nightfall veteran, and even before that had an ongoing rivalry going with MetaMorphia, which developed into a consensual, mutual hateship. They hooked up after the great Unmasking.
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